The 'HAPPY CAPS' Initiative

Life of an ailing human being is a circus of doctors and treatments. Mental and physical suffering is a constant partner. Hair-loss is one of the most demoralising side-effects faced by patients with certain medical conditions and treatments.

This initiative hopes to change that “LOOK in the mirror”, from a reminder of pain and sorrow, into a sparkle of hope and happiness.

To look at some possibilities, you can refer to


Design a Headgear

We are looking for people who can design and help produce headgears/chemo caps for patients. Below are some of the project specifications.

  1. The Indian Market does not cater to this clientele, as the conceptualization of the product, i.e. headgears, involves not only an evaluation of the design and production, but demands emotional investment as well.  The product needs to be comfortable, flattering, practical, and affordable.
  2. The important aspects of creation of a headgear are:


  1. The Research
  • Understanding the end user, i.e. the patient, their medical conditions, their psychology, the physical limitations, etc.
  • The Material : Patients are usually sensitive to certain types of fabrics. Surgical scarring also inhibits the use of some materials. It is also important to understand that usually headgears are worn by the patients day and night. Thinner, seamless, non-lumpy caps are preferred for comfort while sleeping. Also, will the material be suitable for warm or cold weather? Caps containing wool are always labelled as they might cause irritation.
  • The Colour Therapy: Use soothing and healing colours
  1. The ease of production and affordability of the headgear : these are the aspects that make a product feasible. The product needs to be viable for patients, some of them already suffering from huge financial strains due to expensive and prolonged treatments.


The caps will either be donated to patients, or they can be sold to augment the resources of the foundation. They will not be used for commercial purposes.

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